About Elite Restorations


Elite Restorations has been in business for over 25 years. We are family-owned, certified contractors with an A+ rating with the BBB. Our owner, George Rodriguez, has been in business for over 25 years and has been remodeling homes for almost 35 years.

We understand that working with contractors can be overwhelming and you may have had bad experiences working with contractors in the past. That is why Elite Restorations is dedicated to offering hassle-free, speedy renovations to your homes.

The Elite Restorations team has experienced and licensed contractors to do work throughout Texas. We specialize in Kitchen Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, General Remodeling Services, Countertop Remodeling, Backsplash, Commercial Remodeling, and Roofing.

We provide free estimates and guaranteed quality work!


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(832) 558-6814


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